Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to unsubscribe from MC

arright, to keep ourselevs transparent and easy to use, here's how you unsubscribe:

1. log in to MC (if you forgot your password, you can get it here:

2. go to My Profile, and click on the second tab (Reminders)

3. Uncheck the first check box that says "Subscribe to Weekly Reminders"
by the way, if you've moved to another city, instead of unsubscribing, you can just change
the city you're subscribed to on the first tab under "My Profile".

let us know if any of this doesnt work out.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to add an event on MC!?


here are the steps to add an event to MC:

go to &

1. Sign up:
pick your metroplex (if you dont see yours in there, send us a note),
edit your profile,
pick what reminders you want,
add personal calendars (for your private events),
pick or add the organization you will be adding public events for,
and hit save

2. Click on "Add an event" on the top icons
first, pick if you're adding a public event viewable by everyone, or
a personal event viewable only by you.
choose either a personal calendar or type of public event from the dropdown,
enter the title, the start date, the zipcode and time,
this is all you need.
However you should enter more information on the other tabs so your
potential audience has more information on your event.

voila, that's it!

btw, if you need this event to show up for all metroplexes, you can contact us and we'll
make it a national event if it qualifies.

questions? comment back!



The vision!

salams again,

ok so here's the vision of, or, they're both the same site:

We envision MC to be:

1. Central Events Repository
2. Streamlining of events e.g., publicity, interaction with events, ratings
3. Connecting Communities
4. Promoting knowledge & practice



Welcome to's official blog!

Assalamu-alaikum everyone! how are you? we hope this blog finds you in the best of iman and health.

On this blog, we will be posting latest features on MC, How-to's, taking your questions, feedback, comments and suggestions for new features.

We will also share our vision for "Connected Communities" and progress on how MC is helping to bring that to the muslim Ummah.

Stay tuned for more, soon inshaAllah. Until then, leave us a note ... any note! :)


Moazzam Ahmed